Winx OC: Ophelia Fairy of PhantasmsCaptainPavo on DeviantArt

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Winx OC: Ophelia Fairy of Phantasms



Ophelia, the fairy of phantasms and adopted daughter of the Wizards of the Black Circle, is the lost heiress to the throne of Tir Nan Og. She has medium skin, mid-back length blonde hair and shimmery blue eyes. Her powers enable her to control and manipulate shadow energies and generate optical illusions.

Ophelia is ambitious, headstrong, and courageous, always ready for a challenge. She is vibrant, always buzzing with energy. However, she is impatient and impulsive, especially in high-stakes situations, and when it comes to confronting her enemies, she has a bit of a passive-aggressive edge.

I didn’t make this but the character is mine.

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1170x1739px 278.28 KB
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